Having little control scares me as well. Whether breaking a horse or raising a child. Sometimes I wonder what it is that I am so deeply afraid of. Is it the fear of injury, heart or physical? Am I afraid of what I believe the future to hold if this behaviour continues or is it my reputation? What will people think when they find out my child has done this? What will people think if I can't train this horse myself ?
From studying horses and the herd dynamics, I have learned that there are dominant, lead and passive horses in the group. They have a hierarchy amongst them, though they feel safe and live comfortably within this structure.
The dominant horse is more on the aggressive side and is only concerned with another horse moving and disobedience is not an option. If one doesn't move, a kick or bite may follow. It does remind me of those times when I have focused too much on my child's behaviour and not looked deeper to the heart of the issue.
The passive horse gives up and is easily pushed around by the herd. I recall those times when my passive child seems to just follow along without voicing his feelings. He is learning that remaining quiet is better than having a confrontation. By allowing him to stay passive, am I parenting for myself because this is easier? Am I creating an individual that will struggle to keep the peace, at any cost?

I have concluded that in my training, whether of child or horse, "I" is the problem. When I allow my ego to run a muck in my life, then I only care about what is best for me. If I am concerned with what others think, then the behaviour of my child is my focus and not the heart or the relationship. Then I become like a dominant horse and the time will come, when I choose to take what ever means necessary, to ensure that I get what I want; glory.
When I forget that as the trainer & parent, my job is to build strength, confidence and character, then my agenda is self seeking and I forget to release the pressure. I again take on the characteristics of a dominant horse and demand my little herd to move in every way that I ask. When they don't, I continue to increase the pressure until I get movement but why do I seem to be unaware of the injuries that are forming? When will the time come when "I" can shift to "we", solidifying the well being of all?

I am thankful that my God refuses to break my spirit when I am bucking or rearing at His requests. I know my God's love but it isn't because He sets me free or is passive but rather by the way He leads me. He gently adds pressure to steer me to greener pasture but when I start to fuss, He releases. Then He asks again. Dominance isn't His nature. He isn't interested in just ensuring that I move when He asks. He wants me to trust Him and accept Him as lead.
I confess that I am still trying to figure out how to be led. I am also trying to sort out my need to be in complete control of my herd. Self seeking leadership is a challenging attribute to refine. But as my Lord applies pressure, during the release, I hope to be sure to listen.